
Blockchain – The future of security? Short analysis of the Blockchain concept, as well as its potential implications in security and other ambits

What are the blockchains? That question came to my mind a couple of weeks ago when I watched Don Tapscott’s encouraging speech on TEDXTalks. Well, making some simple deduction, we can think on a “chain of blocks which contain information rows”. Essentially, the information is stored in a distributed database – meaning that many computers manage it …

Blockchain – The future of security? Short analysis of the Blockchain concept, as well as its potential implications in security and other ambits Read More »

Job: A basis for the human? Short digression on the implications of having a job in our society

Few days ago I ended to read José Saramago’s ‘The Cave‘, based on Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave’, and it made me ponder: Which is the relevance of job in an individual’s life? The more I think about it, the more I feel the social conventions behind it. We can find some typical quotes such as …

Job: A basis for the human? Short digression on the implications of having a job in our society Read More »

Self-driving cars The implications of the self-driving phenomenon in a mid/long-term

Technology doesn’t stop to amaze me. I’ve been following this self-driving car trend for quite a long time; especially, the case of the cars fueled by electricity. The main references I have been following are Tesla Motors and the Google Self-Driving Car, and it makes me happy to think that I may not need to …

Self-driving cars The implications of the self-driving phenomenon in a mid/long-term Read More »

AlphaGo – Demonstration of the AI development Brief comment about the revolutionary machine 'AlphaGo' and its heuristic method to learn from its own errors, optimizing its own results

Lately (as many other people in the world, I guess) I’ve been following the event held by Alphabet; precisely, by Google DeepMind. Some rounds of Go matches were played between the Korean Champion Lee Sedol and a machine developed by DeepMind (AlphaGo) in a week interval, and the result was, simply, astounding. AlphaGo won 4-1 against Lee Sedol, reaching to …

AlphaGo – Demonstration of the AI development Brief comment about the revolutionary machine ‘AlphaGo’ and its heuristic method to learn from its own errors, optimizing its own results Read More »

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